Services and charges: As the service provider we expect you to make payment for the services before we deliver. For a smooth transition of our services, we advise you to pay within 31 days of issuing our invoice so that we prepare for the study package.

Compensation and termination: At Amourion, we believe in fairness and communication. All payment cancellation shall be considered after a recorded communication has been put across in the form of email for future reference and there must be an allowance of 7 days before the commencement of the lessons.

Liability: A student at Amourion is expected to be a responsible person as the institution is not going to be entirely liable for any damages to the student's property while at the institution and also the student must see to his/her safety.

Jurisdiction: Any queries that cannot be settled amicably between you and the training institution can be solved by the Court of law.


This website expects a certain custom from the users to protect both the website and the users.

We do not expect the use of any inappropriate or immoral language, harassment of users, defamation or false representation of other individuals on the website. We also encourage our clients not to use this site as a marketing site, and buying and selling or collecting of our content and selling it will not be entertained.


We value each feedback that comes from our clients, especially constructive criticism that could help us provide improved services. For improved services, Amourion Training Institute will intermittently come back to the clients for feedback and satisfaction. Please note that no individual will be castigated for giving criticism or for complaining.


It is strongly forbidden to duplicate the information on our website as the information is protected by the copyright law in UAE. Amourion Training Institute owns all the information that is on the website and you are only allowed to download content such as study materials to be used for educational purposes only. Accordingly, you acknowledge that all the information, pictures and designs on the website are the sole property of Amourion Training Institute. Please be aware that Amourion takes full responsibility for the content on the website and there are serious consequences of any replication or use of the content without acknowledgment. All rights reserved.


Amourion Training Institution has worked to see that all the information published on the website is true and appropriate. However, they may be errors of omission that may appear at a certain time and Amourion will not take any responsibility for that. The training institute reserves the right to change information on the website at a given time, with regards to tuition fees, available services, and notices, just to mention a few. Please note that our guide book is prepared a year in advance and there might be changes that may occur during the year that are beyond the training institution's capability. In case, the training institute will be found not providing one of the services it said it was going to provide and that is listed in the guide book, please take note that Amourion will not be accountable for that. The involvement of the third party in the form of links is not necessarily an affiliation of those links to the Amourion Training Institute. We do not endorse any content that comes from those links.

The A to Z of education and training -

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